
Moving Chatham Forward

Raising Up Families…Restoring Hope…Showing The Way...One Soul At A Time

As a faith-driven and family-focused church, we operate under the umbrella of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC), as a member of the COGIC Northern Illinois Jurisdiction (NIJ). Friendly Temple thrives on a platform of community engagement, economic vitality, charity, and programs to support youth, families, and residents in need. For generations, we have represented and uplifted Chatham Chicago!

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Guided By Faith, Driven By Purpose

At Friendly, we strive to win souls for the kingdom, change lives, and impact our world through effective teaching ministry, sound biblical principles, family ministry, and effective measured ministerial development. Come as you are, and experience the transformative power of God's love and grace in our midst.

A Church For The Community

Sharing God’s Love Through
Outreach & Action

…with God, All Things Are Possible

Matthew 19:28

Trailblazers of Transformation & Opportunity

Elect Bishop
For General Board

Bishop Walker has not only led our community through times of challenge and change, but has also envisioned and implemented programs that have significantly enhanced our spiritual and communal life.

His initiatives in areas such as community revitalization, youth development, community service, and violence prevention have not only grown our community but deepened our faith and outreach.

“God has called us to lead and serve our communities, to go to the people, to inspire and uplift, to give support where needed, to create jobs where there is none, to make a difference no matter the cost. We have a mandate to be the change we seek in our communities. Growth starts with the church!

— Bishop Edwin Walker, Senior Pastor

Bishop Edwin Walker

Meet Our Bishop
& Senior Pastor

Bishop Walker is a devout servant of God, called to lead as the Senior Pastor of Friendly Temple Church of God in Christ. With a rich history of service, he currently holds the esteemed position of Prelate of the Historic Northern Illinois Jurisdiction (NIJ). Beyond his pastoral duties, Bishop actively collaborates with civic and community organizations, lending his expertise to various initiatives.

At the forefront of his community involvement, Bishop serves as President for Bread of Life Chaplains, formerly recognized as Cook County Chaplains Committee. Additionally, he champions empowerment efforts as the Founder & President of the Favors-Walker L.I.F.E. Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering community development and economic revitalization.